What is nasal congestion (and how does stripping help)?

Ah, the age-old problem of nasal congestion. From allergies to a cold—whatever the cause, it’s never fun to deal with. It can make everyday activities like exercising or sleeping, very frustrating. So, what’s the deal with it? And what can you do about it? Read on.

What is nasal congestion?

Nasal congestion occurs when the tissues and blood vessels inside the nose swell up with excess fluid. Sometimes there’s a “discharge” that accompanies nasal congestion (otherwise known as a runny nose), but that’s not always the case.

What can cause nasal congestion?

Nasal congestion can be caused by virtually anything that irritates the nasal tissues, including dry air, allergies, a cold, a deviated septum, hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, and even stress. While there hasn’t been a lot of research into the symptoms of nasal congestion itself, allergies—one of the main reasons people deal with nasal congestion—have been studied quite extensively. An interesting fact around nasal allergies is that in the last couple of decades, more and more people seem to suffer from them, which may mean that nasal congestion is also becoming more common.


How to ease nasal congestion

Sometimes the only way to fully rid yourself of nasal congestion is to deal with the underlying health issue (like treating cold or allergy symptoms). There are a few treatments that may help ease nasal congestion. Nasal sprays are often used to help relieve nasal congestion resulting from a cold or allergies. Avoiding obvious irritants like cigarette smoke or big humidity shifts and doing your best to help thin nasal secretions by drinking plenty of fluids also helps.

Breathe Right® nasal strips are an effective and completely drug-free way to help ease nasal congestion symptoms. Once you apply the strip, it helps to open the nose and provides instant relief from nasal congestion commonly caused by colds, allergies, or even a deviated septum. When used together, Breathe Right opens your nose up to 38% more than decongestant sprays alone, and they can be used every night, helping you breathe better and sleep better when you’re suffering from nasal congestion. Find the perfect nasal strip for you.